We provide easy and affordable service. We commission original reviews of your films and we put them on IMDB
These are not ‘fake’ reviews. Our reviewers look at your picture and give them real feedback.
We commission eight reviews of your film. Depending on the style of the reviewer, these can range from a 20-word comment to a more in-depth 250-word review.
We cannot guarantee that all or any of these reviews will be positive for your film. We send them to you. You can choose five reviews that are allowed to be posted. We then post these on IMDB
I’ve heard that I can only buy fake reviews. Why not?
Yes. There are services that will submit fake Amazon Prime reviews and fake IMDb reviews for the price.
However …
- These are very generic and poorly written. How insightful the review can be when someone who hasn’t seen your picture writes it.
- Both IMDb and Amazon Prime are becoming much better at analyzing review history, IP addresses, and even content styles to spread fake reviews.
- Do you really want to deal with sending Bitcoin payments on the Dark Web, which is often what you have to do?
Yes. Many studies have shown that having 5 to 10 reviews can triple your conversion rate.
- These are actual reviews, written after watching your film. This is not cheating.
- The only downside to ‘cheating’ is that we give you the opportunity to choose not to post reviews as you like.
But please don’t think that this doesn’t happen in Hollywood. It is well known that where a critic has a relationship with a studio or filmmaker and he hates a film, he will either submit the review to a ‘sweet’ or different critic.
What if I paid you and all the reviews you produced were bad?
Yes. It could be.
Our reviewers have different tastes. In our experience, it’s rare to not like a picture, unless it really has no merit.
And, to be honest, if your film is without any qualifications, you probably have to face that truth!
Also, the honesty of the review makes them ‘real’.
These are not ‘puff pieces.
We recommend that you post reviews that are positive overall, but also critical. This should be a real review.
How can I avoid ‘anger’ reviews?
If the reviews are faked so that they are exaggeratedly positive in a way that does not reflect the actual picture, someone will discover a dangerous human reaction.
People who have seen your picture will feel cheated.
They will want to take action.
And they will post reviews that try to correct the record.
And they’re annoyed that the movie doesn’t match the reviews, they often leave 1-star reviews.
This is because the reviews for your film accurately reflect the nature of the film.
There is no point in trying to get Steven Seagal fans to watch your Earth drama. Tell the audience the truth!
How do I send the film to you, and can I believe it doesn’t pirate?
You can send the film using our watermarked or secure screening service.
It can be screened more than once if we like it because it is difficult for reviewers to see it together.
No. We have no interest in ‘stealing’ your image.
Honestly, you probably realize right now how hard it is to make money from your film.
We have no financial incentive or desire to do so.
And we are all current or retired filmmakers ourselves.
We really want to provide a service that can help you.
If I like your service, can I commission another eight reviews?
Yes, we have enough reviewers to get a new fresh set of reviews written.
However, we will not accept multiple repeat orders at this time, as we do not have adequate reviewers.
How do you get reviewers and why do they do it?
We are all friends who have been annoyed.
We felt the need for this kind of service in our own pictures and couldn’t find anything like it.
You will see that our prices are so reasonable that our reviewers are not making any real money from it.
However, they see that they have seen some interesting movies and receive a small payment
We even had a situation where one of the reviewers was so impressed, he wanted to contact the filmmaker to discuss more opportunities.
(We will always ask your permission before sharing your contact information with anyone)
We schedule review screening sessions twice a week.
We’ll send you a review within a week.
After your selection and approval, you will see them on the site within the next week.
Do you correct spelling or misspellings?
Our rule is that we will not change or modify the reviews at your request.
The only choice you have is to make your reviews public.
Of course, if there are any spelling or other errors that do not affect the tone or content of the review, we will gladly correct it.
How can I talk to you?
Click the little chat widget at the bottom right of the pages